hate when people cum at me
hate when people cum at me
imma edit it one sec
Pretty cool! I like the art direction in this, it feels well rounded. The line wiggle is interesting.
The storytelling felt a bit flat, quite predictable. I think just having the basic twist of the victim killing the attacker after the cut would have switched it around enough. It's a cool little project though, I think you should explore this further.
Woah thank you for the message! I'll try and improve the story telling in the next one, I spent way too long working on the visuals -(*o*)-
will we see edd gombus ever again?
The next episode.
edd the tom is my favorite
It's goomba "the Tom" 392, not Edd the Tom. I'm acting like Edd.
this kicks ass
Is that good or no
Gosh I love the style of this so much. Great work.
Would love to learn how you did the vhs post.
More pleez
the VHS effect was done using NTSC.RS, look it up it's really neat and it's free
Do you voice your toons yourself?
yeah this one i recorded on a webcam so it would sound nice and cruddy
Part of me can't help but wonder if you made this as a hand/arm animation exercise and then turned it into its own thing. Putting all the performance of the character in the hands seems like a fun challenge as well.
Thanks for watching! It started as a story and experiment in storytelling, "can I make a POV watching a lonely man talk and tell his tale interesting?" Then when thinking of execution and what made sense to the limited format, a limited physicality and animation made sense to him as well. Like his movements are almost as restricted as his emotions and bedside manner are.
What a coincidence.
I run on diarrhea and piss as well.
It is a viscous cycle.
Can't believe I found this again! I made the original hahaha. I remember I was owned so hard that I removed the animation. This is so good and I didn't appreciate it at the time but today I'm fuckin blown away I got owned by piconjo
it was an h0n0r 2 haev pwned j00
n0w bend 0ver adn accept teh n00 pwnage<3
just a creative vagabond - contact@koniworx.com
Original join date: 2004
Age 34
Animator & Game Dev
Joined on 4/16/21