We all know a person like this
We all know a person like this
Can't believe I found this again! I made the original hahaha. I remember I was owned so hard that I removed the animation. This is so good and I didn't appreciate it at the time but today I'm fuckin blown away I got owned by piconjo
it was an h0n0r 2 haev pwned j00
n0w bend 0ver adn accept teh n00 pwnage<3
i am so wokely inspired
i like
I loved this but man it gave me so much anxiety being claustrophobic myself, haha!
Gorgeous work! I love the perspective direction you took this in. Having it all be done in a sort of static-camera-placement and have the story morph into place. I haven't seen this kind of approach in a long while.
Thank you for making this, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
i hate myself for jumping at the end
Looove the delivery of the voice actors in combo with the great character designs!
Amazing work on this animation!
just a creative vagabond - contact@koniworx.com
Original join date: 2004
Animator & Game Dev
Joined on 4/16/21